I’m excited to enter ‘Hu Ray’, my gratitude dance song animated with my drawings and the clay ‘Speak/No Speak’ people in several film festivals that feature shorts. Stay tuned for updates!
DECEMBER 15th, 7:00pm ONE SONG
Looking forward to joining a wonderful group of musicians and singers in a sing-along concert that honors the light.
Unity of Albany
21 King Avenue - Albany, NY
Danny Pearl played fiddle with my band before he got hired by the Wall Street Journal and moved to Atlanta. He invited us to visit him there, and had that happened I most likely would have met Todd Mack, the originator of FODFest. I was at the first FODfest in Todd's backyard, and am honored to be a part of the 20th celebration of this event and Music in Common. Kudos to Todd Mack and all who have kept Danny's legacy of goodwill and peace alive through music.
SCROLL DOWN FOR INFO ON PARKING AND ADDRESS AT THIS LINK: https://studio9porches.com/performances/
SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 29th - 11 a.m.
HONORING ALL LIFE - Interactive meditative service honoring all traditions
The service will be held in the Meditation Hall at The Abode of the Message, and also on Zoom. The Zoom link can be found here: https://inayatiyyahudsonvalleycenter.com/universal-worship-service/
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with Doug Tanner of the Gypsy Wranglers (the CATALYTICS)
Looking forward to being back at Bascom Lodge
Bascom Lodge is on land that is at the highest point in Massachusetts
Address: N Adams Rd, Adams, MA 01220
Phone: (413) 743-1591 Allow 20 minutes from Rt. 7 in Lanesboro to drive the scenic road up to the top
You can stay for dinner afterwards
Gala Evening: Saturday, May 11, 2024 @ 5pm
Matinee: Sunday, May 12, 2024 @ 1pm
CATA’s signature public event, the Gala and Annual Performance is the culmination of hundreds of performing arts workshops and a celebration of the tremendous artistry of people with disabilities. Hosted at Shakespeare & Company’s Tina Packer Playhouse, the event is a powerful demonstration of community and inclusion —“one of the most joyous events of the year.”
International Women's Day Celebration
with Elaine Silver & JoAnne Spies
Friday, MARCH 8 at 2PM
In the Garden of The AMAZING Fairy House
3915 75th Drive East
Sarasota, FL
(Off of Tuttle North of Tallevast)
$20 includes REFRESHMENTS
Everyone is WELCOME
elainesilver.com *** JoAnne Spies - movingsound.org
Berkshires Art Week - October 14 - 22nd
Most people don’t think twice about plopping down on a bench to rest or watch people go by. I find most of the benches in towns kind of intimidating. These places are just the ones I’m looking to plop myself down and invite others to join me.
I heard about The Kindness Bench idea at a women’s meditation group retreat. (Thank you Jo and Patricia and Linda Williams) The idea is to find a little oasis of kindness, a place to slow down, a place to pause, a place to listen. It can be a place to share news of your day, news from your heart, a no judgment zone. Creativity can happen, collaborations on a song or a poem. I will bring different instruments and play when appropriate. Spread kindness.
Look for me on a bench in these locations: (I hope to have a sign of some sort, but you’ll know it’s the bench by all the things next to me!)
October 15th - Great Barrington 2:00pm - 4:00pm corner of Main and Castle Street (by The Vault Gallery) or at the Gazebo.
October 16th - Stockbridge 2:30pm - 4:30pm St. Paul’s Church front area (across from the Red Lion Inn.) In inclement weather, go inside church.
October 18th - Noon to 1:00 on Eagle Street; bench by the Art Wall 4:30pm - 5:30pm bench in front of North Adams Public Library 74 Church Street
"Call and Response : Co-Creating with the Divine" Friday, October 20th 6:00 - 7:00pm
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (across from the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA)
An interactive sound bath/ moving meditation / concert led by JoAnne Spies with special guest Carol Emanuel on harp. The deep stillness of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will resonate with the harmonies of JoAnne on the RAV drum, Tibetan bowl and chimes and Carol on harp. You are invited to join in a call and response format with toning, songs, prayers and poems honoring the elements and our ancestors.
Directions and Parking ~ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
29 Main Street
Stockbridge, MA 01262
JoAnne Spies bio here
Carol Emanuel is a classically trained harpist equally comfortable playing classical, jazz and Brazilian repertoire. A graduate of the University of Rochester, she received a Masters from California Institute of the Arts. She has recorded and/or performed with John Zorn, Bill Frisell and Leo Smith, at such venues as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Village Vanguard, The Louvre, and the North Sea Jazz Festival.
“Baby Totem” clay sculpture by JoAnne Spies
‘YOUR NAME IS SINGING’ Sunday, October 22nd 2pm - 5pm Becket Arts Center
Join singer/songwriter Giovanna (JoAnne) Spies and visual artist Diane Firtell in an interactive exploration of your name through music, toning, movement and art-making. You will leave with your own power song and artwork, and a deeper connection to your voice and your name. $45.
TO REGISTER: online ~> becketartscenter.org or call: 413-623-6635
online and in person!
Come Join Moving Sound
Come Join Moving Sound
photo credit: Steve McCurry
email me for the Zoom link: spiesarts@gmail.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JUNE 25th 11:00 a.m. - Noon (on ZOOM)
Universalist Fellowship in St. Petersburg, FL
‘Becoming Sound’
I’ll be sharing different aspects of my work bringing music and movement to healthcare settings as well as singing original songs.
EMAIL ME FOR THE LINK: spiesarts@gmail.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JUNE 18TH 5:30pm - 6:30pm CONCERT AT BASCOM LODGE ATOP MT. GREYLOCK
with Doug Tanner of the Gypsy Wranglers (the CATALYTICS)
Looking forward to being back at Bascom Lodge!
side of lodge that is on land highest point in Massachusetts
Address: N Adams Rd, Adams, MA 01220
Phone: (413) 743-1591 Allow 20 minutes from Rt. 7 in Lanesboro to drive the scenic road up to the top
Stay for dinner afterwards!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAY 21st 3:00pm - 4:00pm ROOTS, SHOOTS and LEAVES
Come walk the beautiful grounds at The Mount and celebrate the trees as poems are read. Bring a chair if you like and set awhile.
MAY 13th and 14th
January 3rd, 2023 7pm - 9pm
Looking forward to hosting iWoW at Center for Peace through Culture.
Sign up to share five minutes of a song or a story or a poem or a dance—- The theme is “What’s Cooking’”
Artwork by Deb Koffman
Filming a half-hour performance of my original music at CTSB cable tv.
I’m looking forward to being one of the 'Poets Talking to Trees’ on November 19th at The Mount.
Above is the tree I chose to speak with. He / She / They are a powerful, imposing presence.
Come on down and join in the conversation!
Farming of the Heart
Bridging Nature and Spirit
Individuals/Families Welcome Children and Teenagers are free
Cost: $20. for food provided (Cash or check only) Location: 212 Chairfactory Rd New Lebanon, NY
Located 1 mile down Chairfactory Rd right side
Contact Shakur Don Johnson at djohnson12125@gmail.com
With questions or to register: 413 358-8201
Nature walks, opening to the elements, guided forest walks,singing,
dancing, meditation and sharing
Behind the scenes CATA band
Looking forward to being a part of CATA'S Annual Gala MAY 7th.
My song 'Where is the Watershed?' was chosen to accompany Personaland’s EcoScapes art show.
Where is your watershed?
My song “Say it Now” is featured on Personaland’s website, a global online art village focusing on dreams.
‘How does it feel when the world awakens?….” Download “Say it Now” here.
Wednesday, March 30th @7:00pm
Register here for: Moving Sound for Peace
THURSDAY, MARCH 16 @1:00pm
Join me for a special ‘Moving Sound’ session online at Spiritual Awakenings in Canada.
~> More info and Register Here
Betye Saar : “Left Eye Morning Sun”
February 14, 2022 is World Sound Healing Day
Join me at 4:00pm EST (New York time) for moving sound attuning to the heart and the resonance of the RAV drum. We will offer gratitude and kindness practices as others are doing the world over today.
* ~ * ~ *
Looking forward to being a part of Berkshire Busk in downtown Great Barrington, MA on Saturday, July 31st.
This ongoing event on week-ends in July and August is a great way to celebrate all the many musicians, dancers, jugglers, et al in the Berkshires as well as support businesses in the town of Great Barrington.
Come find me ~ 6:00pm - 8:00pm I’ll be singing songs old and new ~ May bring my RAV drum too..
~ ~ ~ Also during this summer and fall : at different pop-up locations I can’t wait to set up a little folding table and bring you…
Moby Dick Deck Readings!
Moby Dick Deck @2012 JoAnne Spies
Moby Dick Deck Readings by Giovanna
Bring your question and shuffle the ‘Moby Dick Deck,’ original collages of the characters created by singer songwriter Giovanna Spies. (that’s me-the Italian name for JoAnne is Giovanna…)
The Moby Dick Deck uses the archetypes and the wisdom of the diverse characters to give clarity and insight on your question.
More about the deck here.
Each character has qualities that can illuminate our life. Woven into the language of an amazing variety of fellow travelers is a living history. ‘Everyone was on that ship,’ said Jonathan Pitts-Wiley, Artistic Director of Mixed Magic Theatre and director of ‘Moby Dick: Then & Now.’ As we learn their story and read their words each character brings a message and, as Melville says, ‘a mystical treatise on the art of attaining the truth.’
Each character in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick is represented on a card with their quote. The cards invite us to study not only the qualities of each character, but their relationships to each other on an archetypal sea voyage.
Some quotes from those who had a reading:
‘It turned me on a corner to some good thinking. It changed my process and opened me up to a new way of viewing my decision.’ - Roberta R.
‘It helped me remember some guiding truths for how I wish to live my life. My question was about moving, but the reading helped me see this decision in a much bigger context. My session with you was pivotal in keeping me in the Berkshires, and remembering what I came here for. Before the reading I was thinking of strategies and tactics - all very superficial - but working with the cards took me so much deeper. The characters and what they stood for were really useful in shining a light on some of my values, and my dreams.’ ~ Kathy J
‘Thanks for helping me clarify a complicated dilemma. It was not so complicated!’ - John S
“These cards are great ice breakers. I learned a lot in depth about my partner just listening as you did her reading. We were able to have some great conversations later. Thanks!” ~ Michael P
See you out there! Meanwhile, you can book a reading online! email spiesarts@gmail.com for details.
* Ways to Pay *
Folks have asked me to simplify and put ways to pay for my music, workshops, artwork or readings in one place…
Here it is!
I’m grateful for all the ways we support each other and look for ways to ‘pay it forward’
**Buy "Hu Ray" Gratitude Dance ~> here (Click on ‘Buy Digital Track’ and pay what you like..) also available as a free download.
(‘HuRay’ is our go to gratitude groove song in moving sound classes, but you may find other songs on the band camp site once you visit…)
**: Here is a PayPal Link where you can send payment for upcoming classes to spiesarts@gmail.com.
**Mailing address for checks or money orders is: p.o. box 1188 Stockbridge, MA 01262
“Thank your hands, thank your feet…” Move to “Hu Ray” and move your gratitude around.
totem in my back yard
Here are ‘sisters and baby’ from my clay ‘Speak/ No Speak people that will be in a six minute animation I’m completing soon. The music behind these creatures is my song Hu Ray.